Considering WiFi for your retail property?

Evaluating WiFi partners - 11 things to consider

Cloud11 works with retail property owners and managers to design, install and manage intelligent WiFi networks optimized for shopper analytics. These analytics enable operators to capture anonymous, objective and unbiased retail traffic data. This data provides a good starting point for properties to uncover deeper insights around marketing effectiveness, tenant mix & shopper habits. From there, properties can layer on 3rd party analytics platforms, location based marketing and other amenity services.

However, before any of these tools can be used effectively, properties must have a high performing WiFi network in place. If a WiFi network has spotty or slow service, the baseline data set will be incomplete, and the data will be significantly less valuable. Worse still, it will be a negative customer experience for your shoppers.

We’ve compiled a list of 11 things that property owners should consider when evaluating partners for their WiFi installation.

All too often, retail properties entrust local vendors with little experience installing high speed WiFi service in congested and complex RF (radio frequency) environments. These installs can leave properties with brand new networks delivering dial-up speeds.

In the interest of raising the bar, we’ve compiled a list of 11 things property owners should consider when evaluating service providers. These should help you quickly determine if a candidate is going to be a strategic technology partner or a ‘one & done’ vendor.

These should help you quickly determine if a candidate is going to be a strategic technology partner or a ‘one & done’ vendor.

The 11 areas are ranked in order of importance and we will cover a new topic each day with a brief explanation as to why it is important and what you should look for in your partner evaluation process. Without further ado:

  1. Experience

  2. Comprehensiveness

  3. Recommendations

  4. Flexibility

  5. Investment

  6. Accountability

  7. Communication

  8. Collaboration

  9. Knowledge Transfer

  10. Service Breadth

  11. Intangibles

Next up: #1 - Experience.